Tuesday, October 4, 2011

TWO days?!

Hello everyone,
As you all may know by now, I am a huge procrastinator.  I first submitted my application for the Peace Corps in September of 2009, on the 30th, at 11:59 pm.  Still, given two years of waiting, I find myself two days before my departure with an alarmingly sized to do list.  An array of clothes, shoes, office and camping supplies are strewn across my bedroom yet to be packed, health insurance to be canceled and I have many goodbyes still to make. At least I managed to finish class right? But I am still making a pre-departure post as promised, not just for you but in an attempt to learn how to even use this ridiculous website. 
The two years have served me well however for mental preparations and I believe I am ready for the challenge of whatever it is I have gotten myself into.  I miss everyone already and will try to update you all as much as possible. 
The past few weeks have been crazy, to say the least, but I will leave you with some pictures of Cincinnati in the fall which I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of. 

Everyone in New Orleans, do you finally see what I was complaining about missing all these years?


  1. Carlie, you are amazing what great thoughts. Speaking of missing we miss you already. However we wish you plesant and wonderfull journeys. Dance to the music,live this to the max. Always by your side,thinking of you.We love you
    Travel Safe~See you Soon..Dad & Nurul XOXO

  2. Woman! Are you safe? I miss you a lot. Hope you're just too busy having an amazing experience to write.

    Also, I like your little disclaimer at the top. Very professional.

  3. Carlie, I was just sitting here studying and starting laughing out loud by myself thinking about the time that you draped mom's fur coat over your body and crawled into my room. For a couple seconds I literally thought a beaver had just wondered into my room. Can't wait to hear about your new adventures! Miss and love you Franny!

  4. Hi Kristen,

    Carlie is fine. She is just in training somewhere without internet. She is staying with a family and learning the language, etc. My mom talked to her recently and Carlie said she will not be anywhere with internet until November. Can you imagine! From what I hear she has met a lot of nice people and is enjoying it and doing well. I hope you are as well!

  5. Thanks Tricia! I mean, I figured as much, but I'm glad to hear she's (officially) safe and sound.

    Law school is stupid and boring and stupid, but you know that. Otherwise things are good! Hope things are going well for you too, and thanks for the update!
